Why Labels Don’t Define My Faith

In my journey of faith, one of the most significant realizations I’ve come to is that labels often do more harm than good. While they are intended to provide clarity, labels frequently put people into boxes that don’t truly represent who they are. They oversimplify the complexities of our lives, beliefs, and relationships, often leading to misunderstandings, wrong assumptions, and even judgment.

Why I Don’t Like Labels

I’ve always struggled with the way society uses labels. We apply them to others—and ourselves—sometimes without much thought. Whether it’s to categorize someone’s religion, political stance, or lifestyle, labels often lead to oversimplifications. They make assumptions that strip away the depth and uniqueness of a person.

For me, labels create more division than connection. They build walls, causing us to see someone as part of a category rather than as an individual with their own unique story. When we rely on labels, we stop asking deeper questions and miss the opportunity to truly know one another.

Take the label "Christian," for example. For some, it’s a symbol of hope and identity. For others, it may bring up negative associations with judgment, exclusion, or past hurt. When I hear the label "Christian," I don’t know what someone truly means unless we have a real conversation about their beliefs, values, and experiences.

That’s why I hesitate to embrace it for myself. I want people to know me for my actions, values, and character, not by a single word that may not fully capture what I believe.

Do I Consider Myself a Christian?

When asked if I consider myself a Christian, my answer depends on how one defines the term. Even then, I struggle with using the label because of the assumptions that often come with it. Instead, I describe myself as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

For many, the word "Christian" carries assumptions—both positive and negative—that may not reflect my personal faith journey. Over time, the term has become more of a cultural or social identifier than a reflection of one’s relationship with God. For me, my faith is deeply personal, and I don’t believe God wants me to reduce it to a label that risks misunderstanding.

I strive to live out my faith and welcome conversations about what I believe and why. To me, being a follower of Christ is about how I live my life and treat others. It’s about the relationships I build, the compassion I show, and the way I strive to embody the teachings of Jesus in my everyday actions. It’s not about conforming to the rules or expectations that have become tied to the word "Christian."

By stepping away from the label, I hope to foster conversations that focus on actions, character, and connection, rather than on preconceived notions. I want my faith to be understood through how I live and the love I show, rather than by a label that may carry different meanings for different people.

Labels and Division

One of the greatest risks of labels is how they create division rather than unity. When we categorize people based on labels, we make assumptions about what they think, how they live, and who they are—often without ever engaging with them. This creates barriers that prevent genuine relationships from forming.

In my faith journey, I believe God calls us to unity and love, not division. Jesus spent much of His ministry breaking down barriers, reaching out to those who were marginalized or excluded because of social labels. Whether it was the tax collectors, the lepers, or the Samaritans, Jesus showed that love transcends labels. He focused on people’s hearts, their needs, and their potential for transformation rather than defining them by the labels society placed on them.

I believe we are called to do the same. Labels can create an "us vs. them" mindset, encouraging judgment instead of understanding. By choosing to let go of labels, we create more space to see each person as they are—created by God with their own unique journey.

Living Without Labels: A Focus on Values and Actions

Rather than using labels, I prefer to focus on the actions and values that reflect who I am. Am I treating others with kindness? Am I showing love, compassion, and forgiveness as Jesus taught? Am I striving to live in a way that reflects the teachings of Christ, not just in words but in my everyday life?

These are the questions that guide my faith. For me, living without labels means living with intentionality, seeking to build relationships based on shared values rather than assumptions. It’s about choosing to engage with others as unique individuals rather than as representatives of a particular group.

By letting go of labels, we create more room for understanding, compassion, and genuine connection. We allow ourselves to truly see each other as the unique individuals God created us to be, free from the limitations that labels often impose.

Conclusion: A Faith Beyond Labels

At the heart of my faith is a desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. This journey is not about fitting into a specific label or category—it’s about how I live my life, how I treat others, and how I relate to God.

While labels can sometimes offer clarity, I believe they often do more harm than good when it comes to matters of faith. By distancing myself from labels, I hope to create space for deeper conversations about what truly matters—our values, our actions, and our relationships with God and each other.

In the end, I want my faith to be defined by love, compassion, and the desire to reflect Christ’s teachings—not by a label that may carry assumptions or misconceptions. When we let go of labels, we open ourselves to a more authentic, grace-filled way of connecting with others and with God.