Defining the Beliefs that Shape My Life

Who Am I?

Although my given name is George Benson, and many of you know me by my brand name, The Home Work Dad (#TheHomeWorkDad), my identity begins with understanding that I am a child of God, created in His image. I have a spirit that makes me who I am, and that spirit was created by God. By God's grace, that spirit was divinely breathed into my physical body.

I am a purpose-driven individual, an Intuitive Empath with claircognizant tendencies, striving to live a life with intention by actively taking captive my motives and making intentional choices, rather than acting out of habit or tradition. These traits have shaped how I interact with the world and those around me.

I am the youngest of nine children, born to two loving parents who were married for over 60 years until their passing. In 1994, I married my loving wife, Jodell, and together we have been blessed with three children: Antonia, Julia, and our firstborn who was named Bobby-Jo and who passed away in the womb. Each of them has played a significant role in shaping who I have become.

I am a detail-oriented and systems-focused individual with over 30 years of experience working from home, and more than 20 years as a work-from-home dad. I am a college dropout who studied Youth Ministry but could not afford to finish. I am a teacher at heart, and I love to laugh and have fun with family and friends!

My Faith: A Non-Traditional Walk with God

I hold what I consider to be a strong, though non-traditional, faith in God. I believe that God is All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Loving, and All-Present. I struggle with using labels and putting people into boxes, and I struggle with being labeled as a Christian. Instead, I prefer to be thought of as an individual who chooses to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as I understand them from the accounts that exist in the Bible.

I believe that when Jesus was on earth, He was God in bodily form. I believe that Jesus made a conscious and intentional choice to take on the consequences of sin for all of humanity. I believe that Jesus suffered a physical death, was buried in a tomb, and three days later rose again. Because of Jesus’ actions and example, and by God’s grace, I am able to live a life where I can strive daily to become the best version of myself, without fear of condemnation when I fail. I believe that God is with me at all times and is always willing to guide me in all that I say and do.

A Summary of Key Beliefs

I believe that God is not only our creator but also our divine parent. I believe that God breathed the breath of life into us, both physically and spiritually. This act of grace is similar to a person who graciously chooses to give CPR to someone who has died in front of them, giving them the gift of life. In this way, God's breath sustains not only our physical existence but also grants us the gift of salvation. This connection to God, often referred to as the still small voice, serves as a constant guide, helping us navigate life with purpose and intention.

I believe that God, in His wisdom, allows us to face challenges and temptations, often using Satan and even the experience of hell—which I view not as eternal punishment, but as a temporary separation or divine "time-out"—to foster our spiritual growth. Through these trials, we are given the opportunity to reflect, learn, and realign ourselves with God's purpose, ultimately becoming the best versions of ourselves under His loving guidance.

I also believe that God grants us the gift of free will, which allows us to make our own choices. Along with that freedom comes the responsibility to make thoughtful decisions, respecting both our autonomy and the autonomy of others. I firmly believe that God doesn’t make mistakes, and this belief extends to every person, regardless of how they may, or may not, fit into traditional societal categories. Whether it’s issues of gender, identity, or other aspects of uniqueness, each person is created with divine intent and purpose.

Why These Beliefs Matter

So, why am I writing this blog series, "Beliefs that Matter"? I am writing this series because I believe in being as open and honest as I can be without sacrificing the privacy of others, and I want you, my audience, to have the opportunity to know what I believe and why. This way, you can be more informed about the things I say, the resources I create, and the motives behind why I do what I do.

Each post in this series will hopefully give you insight into the nuances of who I am and how I approach others. Please know that this series is not meant to be presented as me saying this is what you should believe. Instead, it is about me striving to be open and honest about what I have come to believe based on my own research, struggles, and experience. Thank you!