What Are the Attributes of God?

In my journey of faith, understanding the attributes of God has been essential in shaping not only my beliefs about God, and how we are connected, but also how I approach life, providing a framework for how I view God’s presence in the world. Throughout this post, there will be times that I will use male pronouns when referring to God, but this is done solely for ease of reading and flow. I do not believe that God is limited by human gender categories; rather, God is beyond any specific gender.

When thinking about the attributes of God, I believe that He is not just an abstract force but an all-encompassing presence with specific attributes that reveal His nature. In this post, I want to expand on what I believe about the attributes of God: specifically that He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Loving, and All-Present.

God is All-Knowing (Omniscient)

To say that God is All-Knowing means that His knowledge is limitless. Traditionally, omniscience is understood to mean that God knows everything—past, present, and future—including the choices that people will make. However, there are different perspectives on what God’s omniscience entails, especially in relation to human free will. Some believe that God knows every specific future event, while others suggest that He knows all possible outcomes of future events, allowing for human freedom to play out.

One particular view, known as Open Theism, suggests that while God is fully capable of knowing the future in its entirety, He intentionally chooses not to know the specific future decisions of individuals in order to preserve human free will. In this view, God knows all possibilities and outcomes but allows the future to unfold without fully determining or predicting it in advance, respecting the genuine freedom of human choice. By choosing to limit His own knowledge of specific future outcomes, God creates room for real interaction between divine will and human freedom. This approach maintains that God’s omniscience still includes knowing everything that can be known—such as the past, present, and all potential outcomes—while allowing the future to remain open and dynamic. God remains fully capable of responding to any situation as it unfolds, ensuring that our choices are meaningful and not predetermined.

For me, I tend to lean toward the belief that God has the capacity and wisdom to know all possible outcomes of future events. God knows every choice I could make, and His wisdom allows Him to understand what is most likely to happen. This doesn’t mean that God’s knowledge is limited or uncertain, but rather that His understanding of possibilities is infinite. This gives me peace, knowing that when I don't understand my own struggles or the bigger picture, He does.

God is All-Powerful (Omnipotent)

I also believe that God is All-Powerful, meaning that there is nothing beyond His ability. However, this power is not random or harsh; it is exercised with purpose and care. God’s omnipotence reflects His sovereignty—He is in control of all things, and nothing happens outside of His will. For me, this isn’t about expecting God to intervene in every little problem, but rather trusting that everything unfolds under His authority and plan. Even in hardship, God’s power is at work, shaping things for good in ways I may not see immediately. His omnipotence reassures me that the challenges I face are not beyond His control, and nothing in my life escapes His attention.

God is All-Loving (Omnibenevolent)

This attribute is the one I find most compelling—God is All-Loving. I believe that His nature is rooted in love, and His love extends to all of creation. God’s love is not contingent upon my actions or worthiness but is unconditional and steadfast. He loves us, even in our brokenness, and that love is the foundation for everything He does. For me, God’s omnibenevolence is most clearly expressed in His willingness to take on bodily form as Jesus Christ so that we would have a perfect example of what it means to be a child of God. His Love, Joy, Peace, Patience & Grace, His Mercy, and His Self-Control. Furthermore, I believe that God’s discipline is always rooted in love, not as punishment but as a way to teach us, help us grow, and guide us toward becoming who we were created to be.

God is All-Present (Omnipresent)

Finally, I believe that God is All-Present, meaning that He is everywhere at all times. There is no place where God is not present—whether in the vastness of the universe or in the depths of our hearts. His presence is constant, even when we don’t feel it. This belief brings me comfort, especially during times of loneliness or struggle. Knowing that God is always with me, no matter where I am or what I am going through, gives me strength. I don’t have to rely on my feelings to know that God is near because His omnipresence assures me that He is always close, guiding and watching over me.

Why These Attributes Matter to Me

So why do these attributes matter? For me, they aren’t just abstract theological ideas but rather the foundation of my relationship with God, who I view as a divine parent. Just as a loving parent would guide, protect, and care for their child, God’s attributes reveal how He interacts with me and the world. These attributes help me understand who He is and why I can trust Him in every area of my life.

Because God is All-Knowing, I can rely on His wisdom when I lack understanding, trusting that He sees the bigger picture, even when I do not. Because He is All-Powerful, I can rest assured that no challenge or struggle is beyond His control. I know that, like a parent, He is always working behind the scenes to shape situations for good, even if I don’t immediately see how. Because God is All-Loving, I can trust that His intentions for me are always rooted in love, just like a parent who disciplines with care—not to harm, but to help me grow and become who I am meant to be. His love is unconditional, not based on my actions, but on who I am as His child. Because God is All-Present, I never have to feel alone. Just as a child can always find comfort in knowing their parent is nearby, I find comfort in knowing that God is with me at all times, guiding and watching over me, whether I feel His presence or not.


Understanding the attributes of God has helped me navigate life with greater clarity and trust. This belief isn’t just about defining God’s characteristics, but about building a relationship with Him as a divine parent, based on these attributes. God’s omniscience, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omnipresence form the cornerstone of my faith. They provide a roadmap for how I approach every aspect of my life and give me the confidence that He is always working in ways I may never fully understand. In my next post, I’ll explore what it means to live a purpose-driven life, and how these attributes of God play a role in helping me walk that path.