What is an Empath with Claircognizant Tendencies

In my journey of self-discovery and understanding the spiritual gifts that God has given me, I’ve come to recognize two powerful traits that deeply shape how I experience the world: being an empath and having claircognizant tendencies. These traits influence not only my interactions with others but also how I connect with the divine, process emotions, and navigate life. In this post, I want to share what it means to me to be both an 'intuitive' empath and claircognizant, how these gifts have shaped my perception of the world, and the challenges that come with them.

What Does It Mean to Be an Empath?

Internal Dialogue and Connection to the Divine

I believe that within each of us exists an internal dialogue—a constant stream of thoughts, feelings, and impressions that originate from various sources. For me, this internal dialogue is not just about my own thoughts but includes a sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others. As an empath, one of the challenges I face is discerning the source of these voices. Some of the thoughts and feelings I experience come from my own heart and mind, but others are absorbed from the people and environments around me.

Among these internal voices is what many refer to as intuition. For some, intuition is a single, subtle feeling. However, I experience it as a complex blend of emotions, insights, and sensations that are often tied to the people and places around me. One part of my intuition comes from my own experiences, another from my connection to the natural world, and another from what I perceive to be divine guidance—a still, small voice that directs me in life.

The Influence of External Energies

As an empath, I also sense and absorb external energies, often referred to as auras. These energies, much like sound waves, are sensed and processed by my body. Just as I hear sound and see light, I can feel the emotional and energetic waves projected by others. These energies can blend with my internal dialogue, sometimes making it difficult to separate my own feelings from those of others.

When I walk into a room, I can often feel the emotional tone—whether it’s peaceful, tense, joyful, or sad—without anyone saying a word. This ability can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, but it also means that I can be easily overwhelmed by the emotions of those around me, especially in highly charged environments.

The Experience of Being an Empath

Being an empath is more than just understanding other people's emotions; it’s feeling them as if they are my own. When someone around me is happy, I often feel uplifted. When someone is suffering, I feel their pain deeply. It’s as though I can step into another person’s emotional experience without any barriers.

For an empath like me, the challenge is managing this heightened sensitivity. Emotions and energies can blend with my internal thoughts, making it difficult to distinguish between what I am truly feeling and what I have absorbed from others. Learning to navigate these overlapping feelings is essential for maintaining a sense of self and emotional balance.

What Is an 'Intuitive' Empath?

Empaths exist on a spectrum, and for me, my empathic abilities go beyond simply sensing emotions—I am an 'intuitive' empath. This means that, at times, I have a deep, inner knowing about people or situations that goes beyond physical or emotional awareness. It’s as though I can sense the underlying truths about a person’s situation or emotional state without them ever telling me.

For example, there have been moments when this gift has allowed me to help people in unexpected ways. I’ve helped to find a missing girl, comforted those who were suffering without being asked, and even surprised people with insights about their lives that I had no way of knowing beforehand. But this intuitive gift also comes with its challenges. Sometimes, I’ll know something difficult about someone’s life or struggles but have no way to intervene or help. In those moments, I must trust that prayer is enough and that God is in control.

What Does It Mean to Be Claircognizant?

Claircognizant Defined

So what does it mean to be claircognizant? Based on my research, it is the ability to know or sense truths without prior evidence or direct information. It’s an inner knowing that goes beyond logic or reason, where insights arrive suddenly and clearly, often without explanation. These moments of clarity can feel like sudden downloads of information that come from outside my usual thought processes.

My Experience – Both a Blessing and a Curse

I believe that my claircognizance is part of how God designed me, and it’s an extension of my connection to Him. These moments of knowing feel like divine revelations, where I receive insights that I couldn’t have gained through normal means. However, I don’t view this gift as mystical or magical—it’s more of a deep inner connection to God’s voice that guides me through life’s complexities.

On the positive side, being an 'intuitive' empath with claircognizant tendencies allows me to connect deeply with others, to offer help when it’s most needed, and to provide comfort through understanding in times when people can’t put into words what they are struggling with.

One lighthearted example of this is when I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning. During the appointment, I had a sudden, unexplainable knowing that my dental hygienist was pregnant. I asked her when she was due, which led her to gasp in surprise. "How did you know?" she asked. "I just found out this morning, and I haven’t even told my husband yet!" We both laughed about it, but moments like this show how claircognizance can bring unexpected insights that often surprise both me and those around me.

On the other hand, the burden of knowing can sometimes lead to feelings of helplessness or even depression. One profound example of this is when I woke up suddenly on the morning of September 11th, 2001, with a heavy sense of dread. I immediately turned on the TV and saw the breaking news about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center. As I watched, I had a strong inner knowing that another plane was about to hit—and moments later, it did. It’s in these moments that being claircognizant can be a burden, as I receive information that I cannot change or influence.

That’s why it’s crucial for me to practice self-care and to set boundaries. There are times when I need to step back, ground myself, and take time to process everything I’ve absorbed from the world around me. Whether it’s leaving an event early, leaving a store without finishing my shopping, or simply choosing to be by myself, like taking a ride in the car or a walk by the ocean, these practices help me stay balanced as I strive to prevent emotional overwhelm.


For me, it took years before I came to accept that I wasn’t crazy and that the way I am is indeed the way that God created me to be. Over the years, with God’s help, I have learned ways to interact with the world that allow me to connect with others on a deeper level, offer guidance when needed, and navigate the emotional and spiritual landscapes of those around me. I have come to trust in God’s plan, and through prayer, reflection, and self-care, I strive daily to use these gifts in ways that align with God’s purpose, always seeking to grow closer to God in my understanding as I strive to be the person God created me to be.